Other Documents
A list of all other texts for will go here, together with a brief description of the text, and a link through to a page containing the text of each document individually.
A Quarterly Review for Spiritual Direction:
This Quarterly Review for Spiritual Direction is an excerpt taken from a manual prepared for religious sisters in the United States from the 1800’s. In the preface to the work, it both suggests that the work might be useful to other religious communities, and hoped that those living in the world would derive encouragement and consolation from its use.
This review is best made where one can make organized notes to be used at Spiritual Direction. It is a suitable exercise to be made when on retreat, making a holy hour, or taking a period of quiet rest.
Meditation on the Salve Regina
A new translation of a work by Pseudo-Bernard
A new translation of an encomium on St. George by St. Peter Damian
On the Virtues and Excellences of St. Bernard
A new translation of an encomium on St. Bernard by Denis the Carthusian
A document on the Divine Office prepared by the Magistral See
A Method of Contemplation with St. Bernard of Clairvaux – A Spiritual Exercise
A brief adaptation of a method of meditation offered by our patron, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
On Qualities of a Good Action with St. Bernard of Clairvaux – A Spiritual Exercise
A set of standards against which to compare our actions to judge whether they are good or not.