For Novices
The following documents, videos, and conferences reflect some of the most basic expectations and obligations of the life of a Poor Knight of Christ. We provide them here to assist you in your discernment of a vocation and to assess your own readiness to take up this way of life during postulancy and the very earliest stages of the novitiate.
On Developing a Prayer Rule—All novices are required to create a prayer rule that outlines all of their obligations and the precise times and locations where they will be fulfilled. This document serves to aid the novice in creating their prayer rule.
On Selecting a Spiritual Director—All knights and novices are required to have a spiritual director. This document serves to aid the novice in discerning a suitable director, as well as outlines what is the expected fruit of this relationship.
The Golden Rules of Praying the Office—Because the primary work of a knight is praying the Divine Office, it is paramount that he does so devoutly. This document serves to provide some inspiration for doing so.
On the Profession of Vows - If a Novice completes his novitiate with willingness, devotion and zeal it is appropriate to pursue a profession. How to Examine if One has been Willing, Devoted and Zealous.
On How to Study- The memory of Christian Chivalry must be imprinted on the mind and heart. This document provides an outline on how to study spiritual works.
Conferences on the Rule, Vocation, and Vows—These conferences were given on the Feast of St Galgano, 2016, and explore in depth what a calling to our Order means, and just as importantly, what it does not mean. Any serious discerner should have a very reasonable idea of whether or not he is called to the life of a Poor Knight of Christ after prayerfully listening to these conferences. We invite you also to listen to the conferences on other topics available at our YouTube channel.
Audio Books
Spiritual Reading—The value of the Fathers is clearly taught in this very informative Audiobook, and is a great key to understanding not only the Fathers but the whole of sacred literature which still references the writings of the Fathers to this very day.
The Spiritual Combat Supplement—This small work was written to help Christian's obtain perfection. It explains what is the nature of perfection and how to obtain it. Dom. Lorenzo Scupoli was a master of the spirtual life trusted by such preeminent Saints as St. Frances De Sales. Dom. Lorenzo will explains, among other things, what is needful for a soldier of Christ.
Additional Resources
A Manual of Patrology—The Full work that the handout On How to Study is taken from.
Also an abridgement (On the Study of Patristics with No lives of the individual fathers) on Audiobook is available here.