Militia Templi
Poor Knights of Christ

“Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam”
[Psalm 113:9]
The Militia Templi consists of both celibate and married knights as well as dames. As laity, knights take perpetual private vows of obedience to the Rule and the Superiors of our Order, chastity according to our station in life, spiritual poverty, and to defend the Holy Faith. Under the discipline of the Rule, knights and novices are bound to pray certain parts of the Divine Office, assist Holy Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, receive the sacrament of penance at least once a month and pray the Holy Rosary daily.
As such, the Militia is a vocation which is a gift from God. Our hope is to achieve heaven, and holiness and sanctification on earth by a life of work, prayer and self-sacrifice. We pray and work so that we may live a life of heroic virtue and prefer nothing to the love of Christ.
The Milita Templi draws strength from the mysticism and the spirituality of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and refers to his writings, yet neither declares nor claims a false, antihistorical and illegitimate direct descent from the old Order. Its purpose is the salvation of the soul by mean of the prayer, the holy Sacraments and the spirit of Knighthood.

contemplative & combative
The life of a Poor Knight of Christ is at once monastic and knightly. All Knights of the Militia Templi are bound to pray the Divine Office daily. It is through this Opus Dei of the daily recitation of the Psalms, together with frequent confession and communion, that a Knight gains his strength for the battle of the apostolate.
The aim of the apostolate is to deepen the knowledge and practice of the spirituality and culture of Christian Chivalry, to educate the youth, to relieve and receive pilgrims, and in general, to render moral and material support of neighbor according to the tradition of the ancient Order,
These are the instruments of salvation for a Poor Knight of Christ. It is a life of sweet toil for the Kingdom of God and the defense of his rights on earth.
“Prefer nothing to the love of Christ”
[Rule of the Poor Knights of Christ]
Do you feel that you are being called to live the life of a Poor Knight of Christ? Find out more about what is required of a Knight in the Militia Templi and what manner of men we seek, We accept serious inquiries from confirmed Catholics who are actively practicing the Faith and are drawn to the traditional liturgy and a life of prayer and service.